
Monday, June 28, 2010

"Beyond Chocolate" - What's THAT?

Beyond Chocolate is the title of a book, the name of a website, and most importantly a set of 10 principles used to help those who suffer from overeating to DITCH the DIETS and ANY diet mentality and TRULY GET TO THE HEART OF THE PROBLEM.

Now, it’s true that there are a few of us who are overweight (more correctly overfat) for some other reason – perhaps we are limited in what we can do physically, have a thyroid problem (here!), or are experiencing some other hormonal difficulties that make losing weight difficult. However, my experience (and I think many of yours!) has really been that, in one way or another (or many!), we just can’t say NO to food WHEN WE ARE NOT hungry.   

So if the PROBLEM is our compulsion with food, what makes us think that (enter your latest diet here: Atkins, HCG, South Beach, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem………….yada yada yada!!!!!!!) is going to be the diet that FINALLY does it for us? No set of rules about how or what or when to eat this or that carb or protein, or rules regarding caloric intake, or points, or any OTHER such insanity is going to solve the problem.

Did someone say insanity??? Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Do you REALLY want to spend ONE MORE Monday battening down the hatches because THIS diet is going to be the one???  Because THIS time you'll do it "right"?!  Because this time you will find the "willpower"?! 

It is amazing to me how so many folks, including many of you ladies (and gents!) out there, are learning to be more and more determined to get to the root of the problem when it comes to a medical issues, but that this mentality has not carried over in relation to our problem with food. I truly believe it IS one of the most basic causes of the level of obesity in the U.S. that we see today (and don’t get me started about estrogenic hormones in our environment – that’s a whole other blog! =)

More to follow! =)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Continuing Story...

This is my first blog, and my first blog post, but only one small part in what has been a life-long attempt to develop a normal relationship with FOOD.  Please forgive my initial hiccups! If you struggle with the similar difficulties, I hope this blog will bring you a bit of comfort, camaraderie, and enlightening! Please share your story with me, also, and we can divide and conquer - little by little - together!