Hello again all,
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Dorothy, my first follower! If you happen to read this, Dorothy, I am curious - are you following Beyond Chocolate, too? How is it going for you?
On another note, I am looking for some FUN exercise....in fact, let's not even CALL it that! I've been checking out Zumba - anyone tried it? Also reading about the benefits of HIIT lately (high-intensity interval training) - it seems to be very beneficial. Trying to tap that keg that existed long ago when we were young and ran around, danced, biked, or climbed trees - all for the sheer thrill of it! I LOVE dancing on my own, now, though, too. Just freestyle - especially when no one is home! Okay, and sometimes when my husband needs some cheap entertainment! HA!
I'd love to hear from the rest of you - are you BC'ing? Dancing? Having FUN? Loving your BOD? Here's to YOU!