
Monday, August 16, 2010

Wow, my first follower!...and notes about "exercise"!

Hello again all,

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Dorothy, my first follower!  If you happen to read this, Dorothy, I am curious - are you following Beyond Chocolate, too?  How is it going for you? 

On another note, I am looking for some FUN fact, let's not even CALL it that!  I've been checking out Zumba - anyone tried it?  Also reading about the benefits of HIIT lately (high-intensity interval training) - it seems to be very beneficial.  Trying to tap that keg that existed long ago when we were young and ran around, danced, biked, or climbed trees - all for the sheer thrill of it!  I LOVE dancing on my own, now, though, too.  Just freestyle - especially when no one is home!  Okay, and sometimes when my husband needs some cheap entertainment! HA!

I'd love to hear from the rest of you - are you BC'ing?  Dancing?  Having FUN?  Loving your BOD?  Here's to YOU!


Dorothy Sims-Crumpet said...

Hi! Yes I'm a Beyond Chocolate girl. I went on the workshop in January 2008 and I'm slowly undoing twenty-something years of dieting and problem eating. I haven't lost much weight yet but during this time my marriage ended so I'm just happy to have not put loads on.

Erica said...

Hello BC Girl, Dorothy!

Nice to meet ya! I am jealous you can attend a workshop! I am just reading the book, the blog, and the online course materials. I was doing fairly well, not losing weight yet, but feeling better with FOOD - when I made the mistake of doing HCG (my second time around) just to lose of few of these excessive pounds before an annual convention in Anchorage. And WHAT happens? I find myself binging again! The perfect example of how diets destroy our natural "eat when you're hungry" mechanism!

So sorry about your divorce. Hang in there and take care of yourself!

Erica =)